You are only one sales letter away from wealth...

"Discover How Even An Average Joe Can Crank Up Profit-Pulling Sales Copies ON THE FLY... & Turn Each Product Into Smoking Hot Sellers In The FASTEST Time Possible!"

Don't Fancy Spending Another Few More Years In College Just To Find Out How To Write A Stupid Piece Of Letter? Read On To Discover How YOU Can Crank Out Your Very Own Selling Masterpiece In The Shortest Time Imaginable... And Stuff More Money Into Your Wallet!

From: Gilbert Hernandez

Dear Direct Response Marketer,

You've heard this before - many times in many versions.

A lot of Internet Marketing leaders and gurus alike preach the importance of drawing TARGETED traffic to your web site AND having a GOOD offer.


But if you have already accomplished the above mention - and are still not making another dime OR the money you SHOULD be making... newsflash:

You Are One Sales Letter Away From Wealth!

Didn't expect such a small variable to make a HUGE impact to your income and livelihood, huh?

Well here's the thing: regardless of whatever product you are selling online - whether it's physical goods, digital products, or even a service you're trading away with your expertise - you need to be able to sell. Period.

In other words, you need to be convincing to your prospects. You cannot just whip up a page with a picture of your product, listing its features and its price, and be done with it.

This is the reason why many products with sales letters sell better as opposed to catalog business models anytime of the day!

"When Your Prospects Visit Your Web Site, They Will More Than Likely Have The Following Questions In Mind..."
  1. "Hmm... why should I buy this product/service?"
  2. "What can you or your product do for me? Can it solve a problem, or help me fulfill something I want to achieve?"
  3. "Okay, but why should I buy from YOU, not somebody else?"
  4. "So what's in it for me?"
  5. "Why should I pay the price you are asking? Am I going to get more value for money?"
  6. Plus a host of other important questions!

And unless you can answer your Prospect's questions and concerns satisfactorily, your chances of closing the sales are close to none!

"And I Suspect That's Where The Problem Really Lies In... "

... Because let's face it: not everyone is born an excellent copywriter. Being good at writing doesn't equate to becoming a good copywriter.

Yet this is the most important (and lucrative) skill that will decide the life or death of your business.

Sure you can hire a copywriter to write your product's sales letter. But remember that I said copywriting is a lucrative skill? Many excellent copywriters charge an arm and a leg for their time and excellent selling skills in writing.

And if you chance upon hiring anyone less than excellent, it will just totally kill off your chance of making money on the Internet.

Yes, you can learn how to write sales copies on your own - but are you patient enough to endure a few more years in the halls of education? On top of that, are they reliable in equipping you with REAL LIFE copywriting education? I doubt so.

Well, you're in for a treat.

"Introducing The Killer Web Copy Techniques..."

That's right - I've decided to distil ALL of my winning copywriting formulas into 3 Power Packed Manuals, purposely designed for you to absorb and apply within days... instead of years!

Let's have a look at each of them.

Killer Web Copy Exposed!
"Discover the Leverage in Reaching Millions of Potential Customers through Web Copywriting!"

30 Pages, PDF E-Book, Instant Download

Here's What You Will Discover:

The fundamentals to a cranking out a Killer Web Copy that converts like crazy!

How to press the hot buttons in the majority of your prospects using only words and images!

The 2 power tools that you must add to your Marketing Arsenal - add them now if you haven't just yet. Because the difference in the potential profits you could make can cost you tens of thousands of dollars!

Critical success factors to writing a Killer Web Copy that converts!

How to quickly and easily write a sales copy that sells without having to play fancy in the process (HINT: it's almost the same principle as most of the top world soccer players - how often do you see them play fancy on the field? Yet they are professional players... and get paid big bucks!)

How most Prospects really think and the top questions they almost always have in their minds when making a decision to purchase! (HINT: this one is a real treasure - once discovered, you can manipulate to your favor!)

The single most important aspect that many average web copywriters lack - and it's yours to salvage!

And much, much more!


How to Write a High Converting Web Copy
"Discover the Secrets to Crafting Your Very Own Killer Copy That Sells!"

31 Pages, PDF E-Book, Instant Download

Here's What You Will Discover:

How to crank out a winning headline that is guaranteed to pull your visitor's attention!

How to easily pump up your Prospect's interest and adrenaline rush with your series of sub-headlines!

How to address and pre-qualify your Prospects through the introduction of your web copy!

How to paint your products in a beautiful picture that appeals to your Prospects - this will whet their appetite and thus makes you one step closer to accepting their cash on the other end of the line!

How to quickly and easily eliminate all of your Prospect's doubts, concerns and worries!

The art of closing your sales effectively and prompting your Prospects to take action on the spot (and not later, otherwise they'd forget!)

How to instill "missing benefits" at the bottom of your web copies!

And much, much more!


Maximizing Your Web Copy Conversion Rates
"How to Quickly & Easily Tweak Your Sales Copy for Optimum Results!"

33 Pages, PDF E-Book, Instant Download

Here's What You Will Discover:

How to use effective Split Testing methods in a non-taxing fashion and achieve the best conversion rates possible with less effort and less time!

Success keys to writing a persuasive copy - simply by using the r____ words!

How keeping your Killer Web Copy S______ S______ can make your conversion rates excel further!

A little-known technique which you can use to skyrocket your conversion rates and add branding quality to yourself and the product you stand behind! (Hint: it has to do with adding T_____________)

How to add life and spice up your web copy!

How to make your web copy spring to life with a_______ and v______!

And much, much more!


"Grab Your Copy Today Because..."
  • The best, timeless copywriting advice and techniques are all distilled into just 3 power-packed manuals - which means you don't have to spend another few more years of your life going back to college just to learn them!
  • You don't have to fork out hundreds let alone thousands of dollars to invest in copywriting seminars and workshops!
  • Every minute you're delaying, you're losing money - your product sales could have been better, only if their web copy is!
  • Writing your own sales masterpieces is a lifelong asset that you can take everywhere you go - regardless of how many products you are selling or planning to sell, you can instantly transform them into bestsellers!

At this point, we have already established that copywriting is a priceless skill. How much are YOU willing to pay to earn this asset?

Millions, maybe? It's still too small a price to pay in comparison to what you can do once you've mastered this skill.

Of course, I hazard a guess you don't have such an amount right now.

So here's the deal: you can get your hands on my Killer Web Copy manuals today for only $27.00.

That's right, and not only that, I'm backing up my offer with yet another offer you cannot refuse:

"Your Purchase Is Backed By My 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee!"

For the next 90 days after your purchase, I will be shouldering the risk of your investment while you check out my Killer Web Copy manuals and put their principles to the test.

If for any reason whatsoever - you feel this isn't helping you achieve your monthly income breakthrough via copywriting - let me know and I will refund your purchase.

The only thing I ask is that you delete the PDF E-Books off your hard drive.

What can you lose? Absolutely NOTHING!


"Sounds Like A Great Deal? Order Now!"
Only $27


P.S. The manuals are in PDF format, which means that you can download them into your hard drive and read as soon as you make your purchase. No need to wait for weeks just to have them arrive at your doorstep!

P.P.S. You are now looking at the smallest price to pay for your hefty Internet Marketing success. Take advantage of it now, while the opportunity door is still open!